About Us
Optimizing Brain Performance

Our Story
How Neurotech Started
In 2002, Neurotech Integrated Ventures was founded to create software that would interlace with the NTSC signal of TVs to use it as a brainwave entrainment platform. Initially, the company produced DVDs to optimize brain performance and began a research study measuring EEGs of volunteers over time. The participants reported anecdotal changes to their health and well-being which generated demand for the product. An article was published about our work which prompted the opening of The Mind Gym in Victoria, BC.
We started offering brainwave entrainment and neurofeedback services to the public which developed into a growing business. However, in 2005 our site was sold so we relocated to Nanaimo to develop and market a line of 20 DVDs with various applications directly to consumers.
In 2009, NTSC TVs were rapidly being replaced by LCD TVs, rendering our software inoperable as the refresh rates were different. We began searching for a new platform. In 2014, as the Oculus Rift VR goggles became available to software developers and we realized we had found the ideal platform. A lengthy development process has resulted in software that allows us to use the VR goggles for audio-visual entrainment using our proprietary frequency sequence.
Our valueS
Optimizing Brain Performance
Naturally - Effortlessly - Measurably
Our current endeavour is to develop a complete solution that combines VR and EEG to provide real-time feedback and assessment. Today, we’re progressively creating a consumer device that uses VR goggles and a wearable EEG to track, assess, and customize patient therapies. It’s designed to be deployed anywhere and prescribed by Neurofeedback clinicians remotely while being less expensive than traditional neurofeedback.

Mission Vision & Values
Discover the Story of Our Founder, Sue

The Early Days
In 2003 Sue began testing the effectiveness of her prototype on the EEG of volunteers, and her work got publicized which led to the launching of the Mind Gym in Victoria, VC. The clinic offered the public brainwave entrainment with neurofeedback. The EEG neurofeedback results showed rapid entrainment of subjects and anecdotal feedback from clients with various health issues indicated the product was effective in improving both physical and mental health.
While attending the 2005 Brain Conference Sue met Dr Barry Sterman, the leading neurofeedback scientist whose research was the basis for her product. Sue shared her product and results with Dr. Sterman. On seeing the results, he offered to buy the software exclusively. Sue declined as the goal was to democratise the benefits of neurofeedback. However, between 2005 and 2009, NTSC TVs were replaced by LCDs, and Sue’s initial product became obsolete.
Neurotech Evolves
During EXPO-Tech 2015, Sue discovered that consumer VR headsets and EEG headbands could be looped for a low-cost in-home brainwave entrainment neurofeedback device. Sue purchased a headset, specialized software, and an EEG device. She then determined the viability of the technology and contracted engineers to develop it.
Today, Neurotech’s VR mental fitness app and neuro-wearable device are nearly ready to serve the public again. This time, we’ll be leveraging VR and consumer EEGs as the platform for our proprietary brainwave entrainment program designed to train the brain to function at optimal levels.
The Team that Made it Possible

Dr Steven Ness

Dr Steven Ness

Tanja Suhm
Tech +Admin

Tanja Suhm
Tech +Admin

Marius Lohmann
Tech + Special Effects

Marius Lohmann
Tech + Special Effects

Twyla Roscovich
Cinematographer(In loving memory 1978 to 2017)

Twyla Roscovich
Cinematographer(In loving memory 1978 to 2017)

Mario Kitzmann

Mario Kitzmann

Len Pearson

Len Pearson

Ian D Borts
Advisor (In loving memory 1956-1988)

Ian D Borts
Advisor (In loving memory 1956-1988)